
Public Outreach

The NCBio is committed to making its science accessible to the general public by: 1) promoting a greater understanding of neurosciences and its relevance to society (e.g. impact of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s or Huntington’s disease); 2) bringing the general public in direct contact with experts in the field and 3) encouraging trust and appreciation in science.

Outreach activities

27.09.2024 | European Researchers' Night - Open Day
15.03.2024 | Brain Awareness Week 2024 - Guided tour

15.03.2024 | Brain Awareness Week 2024 – Guided tour

Olga Sin, Matthew Holt, Simone Bessa, Rafaela Seixas; Maria Castro (Genetics of Cognitive Dysfunction group); Augusta Monteiro (Cell Division and Genomic Instability Group);

Organizer: Olga Sin (Project Manager)

06.03.2024 | Brain Gain: As Células do Nosso Cérebro

06.03.2024 | Brain Gain: As Células do Nosso Cérebro – Talk

Speaker: Maria Joana Pinto (Junior Postdoctoral Researcher)

22.07.2023 | World Brain Day - Video

22.07.2023 | World Brain Day – Video

Olga Sin (Project Manager)

20.06.2023 | Kick-Off Meeting of the NCBio Stakeholder Hub
13-19.03.2023 | Brain Awareness Week 2023

13-19.3.2023 | Brain Awareness Week 2023 

To celebrate the Brain Awareness Week, Matthew Holt launched a challenge to middle-school students.

Students were invited to discover the “Unknown Side of the Brain” by producing a zine about glial cells. Their original works were displayed at the i3S and the students were invited to do hands-on activities organised by several research groups of the i3S.

16.02.2023 | Science Lecture at the High School of Lousada

16.02.2023 | Science Lecture at the High School of Lousada  

Simone Bessa Garcia (Senior Lab Technician)

In addition to reaching out to the general public, the NCBio Hub will be created as a platform to reach out to professional organizations and more information can be found here. To further sustain a long-lasting and interactive communication with the academic and non-academic community, the NCBio will share up-to-date scientific results and any other interesting information regarding the research group (e.g. awards, invitations to TV channels) in popular social media outlets like X (former Twitter) (@AstrocytesRus).