Scientific Outputs
Zeng, H., Hendriks, L.E.L., Belderbos, J., Brandts, L., Compter, I., Dubois, L., Holt, M.G., Houben, R., Schagen, S., Zhang, X., Prezzemolo, T., De Ruysscher, D., Association of Serum Biomarkers With Nurocognitive Decline After PCI in Small Cell Lung Cancer: An Exploratory Study of the Phase III NCT01780675 Trial, Clinical Lung Cancer, Volume 25, Issue 7, 653 – 659.e1
Pestana, F., Belgard, T.G., Voet, T., Holt, M.G. (2024). Studying the Role of Astrocytes at Synapses Using Single-Cell Transcriptomics. In: Kukley, M. (eds) New Technologies for Glutamate Interaction. Neuromethods, vol 207. Humana, New York, NY.
Wahis J., Akkaya, C., Kirunda, A.M., Mak, A., Zeise, K., Verhaert, J., Gasparyan, H., Hovhannisyan, S., Holt M.G. The astrocyte α1A-adrenoreceptor is a key component of the neuromodulatory system in mouse visual cortex. Glia, 1–19 (2024)
Hendrix, E., Vande Vyver, M., Holt, M., Smolders, I. Regulatory T cells as a possible new target in epilepsy? Epilepsia 00:1–11 (2024)
Bielefeld, P., Martirosyan, A. , Martín-Suárez, S., Apresyan, A., Meerhoff, G. F., Pestana, F., Poovathingal, S., Reijner, N., Koning, W., Clement, R. A., Van der Veen, I. Toledo, E. M., Polzer, O., Durá, I., Hovhannisyan, S., Nilges, B. S., Bogdoll, A., Kashikar, N. D., Lucassen, P. J., Belgard, T. G., Encinas, J. M., Holt, M. G. & Fitzsimons, C. P. Traumatic brain injury promotes neurogenesis at the cost of astrogliogenesis in the adult hippocampus of male mice. Nat Commun 15, 5222 (2024).
Martirosyan, A., Ansari, R., Pestana, F. et al. Unravelling cell type-specific responses to Parkinson’s Disease at single cell resolution. Mol Neurodegeneration 19, 7 (2024).
Pereira, M. J., Ayana, R., Holt, M. G. & Arckens, L. Chemogenetic manipulation of astrocyte activity at the synapse— a gateway to manage brain disease. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 11, (2023).
Lemaitre, P. et al. Molecular and cognitive signatures of ageing partially restored through synthetic delivery of IL2 to the brain. EMBO Molecular Medicine 15, e16805 (2023).
Viana, J. F. et al. Astrocyte structural heterogeneity in the mouse hippocampus. Glia 71, 1667–1682 (2023).
Holt, M. G., Astrocyte heterogeneity and interactions with local neural circuits. Essays in Biochemistry 67, 93–106 (2023).
Edwards-Faret, G. et al. A New Technical Approach for Cross-species Examination of Neuronal Wiring and Adult Neuron-glia Functions. Neuroscience 508, 40–51 (2023).
Shah, D., Gsell, W., Wahis, J., Lucktt, E.S., Jamouelle, T., Vermaercke, B., Preman, P., Moechars, D., Hendrickx, V., Jaspers, T., Craessaerts, K., Horré, K., Wolfs, L., Fiers, M., Holt, M.G., Thal, D.R., Callaerts-Vegh, Z., D’Hooge, R., Vandenberghe, R., Himmelreich, U., Bonin, V., De Strooper, B. Astrocyte calcium dysfunction causes early network hyperactivity in Alzheimer’s disease. Cell Rep. 40(8):111280 (2022).
Frontzek, K. et al. A conformational switch controlling the toxicity of the prion protein. Nat Struct Mol Biol 29, 831–840 (2022).
Yshii, L. et al. Astrocyte-targeted gene delivery of interleukin 2 specifically increases brain-resident regulatory T cell numbers and protects against pathological neuroinflammation. Nat Immunol 23, 878–891 (2022).
Featured in:
- Conversations with Immunologists podcast
- BrainPost
- News and Views (restricted access)
- Nature Research Briefing (restricted access)
- The Times UK
- VRT Flanders
- ABC Spain
More press releases on this paper:
Abdelfattah, A. et al. Neurophotonic tools for microscopic measurements and manipulation: status report. NPh 9, 013001 (2022).
Marino, M. & Holt, M. G. AAV Vector-Mediated Antibody Delivery (A-MAD) in the Central Nervous System. Frontiers in Neurology 13, (2022).
Shinmyo, Y. et al. Localized astrogenesis regulates gyrification of the cerebral cortex. Sci. Adv. 8, eabi5209 (2022).
Participation in Conferences
6.1.2025 | Invited Talk | University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Talk: “Astrocytes: Master regulators of inhibition and plasticity”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
12.2024 | Cajal Institute Xmas Lectures | Cajal Institute, Madrid, Spain
Talk: “Astrocytes: Master regulators of inhibition and plasticity”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
11.2024 | Swammerdam Lecture | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
25.09.2024 | i3S Neuro Day: Meeting of i3S Program of Neurobiology and Neurologic Diseases (PNND) | Biblioteca Almeida Garret, Porto, Portugal
Talk: “In vivo surface proteomics to reveal astrocyte roles at inhibitory synapses”
Domenico Natale (external Ph.D. student)
10-12.07.2024 | Sissa (International School for Advanced Studies) | Trieste, Italy
Talk: “Astrocytes: Central players in differential synaptogenesis.”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
09.05.2024 | IJUP 2024, 17th edition | University of Porto, Portugal
Poster: “Validation of a genetic system to unravel the astrocyte secretome using proximity biotinylation”
Luísa Florido (M.Sc. student)
03.05.2024 | V Symposium of Biochemistry | University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
Talk: “Exploring Astrocytic Heterogeneity: Implications in Brain Function”
Rafaela Seixas (Ph.D. student)
22.04.2024 | Invited Talk | University of Padova, Italy
Talk: “AAV-mediated delivery of an anti-BACE1 VHH alleviates pathology in an Alzheimer’s disease model”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
14-20.04.2024 | International Astrocyte Summer School | Bertinoro, Italy
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
05.04.2024 | VIII Portuguese Glia Meeting | ICVS, Braga, Portugal
Poster: “Targeting the Inhibitory Tripartite Synapse in the Context of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Astrocytes in the Spotlight”
Domenico Natale (external Ph.D. student)
18-22.03.2024 | Gordon Research Conference: Antibody Biology and Engineering | Barga, Italy
Talk: “Bypassing the Blood Brain Barrier: Exploiting CNS Penetrant AAV Vectors for Localised Biologics Production and Activity”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
26.02.2024 | Invited Talk | Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière (ICM), France
Talk: “Astrocytes: central players in differential synaptogenesis“
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
09.02.2024 | 54th Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Pharmacology | Nova Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal
Talk: “DBH inhibitor Nepicastat may be a potential prophylactic approach for post-traumatic stress disorder”
Rafaela Seixas (Ph.D. student)
18-20.09.2023 | 3rd Single-Domain Antibodies Symposium | Paris, France
Talk: “AAV-mediated delivery of an anti-BACE1 VHH alleviates pathology in an Alzheimer’s disease model”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
5-6/08/2023 | International Society for Neurochemistry Satellite Meeting| Braga, Portugal
Talk: “Astrocyte heterogeneity and interactions with local circuits”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
08-11/06/2023 | 16th European Meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Disease. | Berlin, Germany
Poster: “Structural analysis of astrocytes in different experimental conditions.” — Barsanti, S. et al
Poster: “Astrocyte structural heterogeneity in the mouse hippocampus.” — Machado, J.L. et al
Poster: “The astrocyte a1A-adrenoreceptor is an essential component of the neuromodulatory system in mouse visual cortex.” — Wahis, J. et al
03-05.05.2023 | FENS Satellite Symposium | Algarve, Portugal
Talk: “New tools to study the brain in health and disease“
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
11.01.2023 | Astrocytes and APOE mini-symposium | KU Leuven, Belgium
Poster: “The emerging concept of astrocyte heterogeneity: Consequences for CNS function”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
18.10.2022 | VI Portuguese Glia Meeting | i3S, Porto, Portugal
Keynote Talk: “Molecular Heterogeneity of Astrocytes: Potential Implications for Development and Function”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
Poster: “Morphological Analysis of Astrocytes in Different Preparations”
Poster: “Unravelling cell type specific response to PD at single cell resolution”
Poster: “Targeting the Inhibitory Tripartite Synapse in the Context of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Astrocytes in the Spotlight”
Poster: “Decoding the Mechanisms of Neuronal Wiring: a Lesson from Down Syndrome”
Poster: “Star Power – Elucidating the Mechanisms by Which Astrocytes Promote Adult Brain Plasticity”
22.09.2022 | i3S Group Leaders’ Seminar Series | i3S, Porto, Portugal
Seminar: “Astrocytes: Master regulators of inhibition and plasticity”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
31.07.2022 | Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) | San Diego, USA
Talk: “AAV-mediated delivery of an anti-BACE1 VHH alleviates pathology in an Alzheimer’s disease model”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
20.07.2022 | Invited Talk | Institute of Molecular Medicine (IMM), Lisbon, Portugal
Talk: “Astrocytes: Master regulators of inhibition and plasticity?”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
09-13.07.2022 | FENS Forum 2022 International Neuroscience Conference | Paris, France
Poster: “Morphological Analysis of Astrocytes in Different Preparations”
Poster: “Astrocyte Structural Heterogeneity in the Mouse Hippocampus”
Talk: “The emerging concept of astrocyte heterogeneity: consequences for CNS function.”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
07.07.2022 | FENS Forum | DFG-organised Satellite symposium on astrocytes | Paris, France
Talk: “Astrocytes: Master regulators of inhibition and plasticity?”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
17.06.2022 | Dutch Neuroscience Meeting | Tiel, The Netherlands
Chair / Session organizer: “Spatial Transcriptomics: mapping gene expression and cell populations in the brain”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
6-9.06.2022 | Advances in Genome Biology and Technology | Florida, USA
Poster: “Mapping transcriptome heterogeneity in the CNS with single cell resolution using highly multiplexed spatial transcriptomics”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
24.05.2022 | Science Europe Workshop on Widening Participation and Spreading | Online
Talk: “Experiences of an ERANET Chair”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
09.05.2022 | Belgian Neuroscience Society Meeting | Brussels, Belgium
Talk: “Astrocytes: Master regulators of inhibition and plasticity?”
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
Organization / co-organization of events
At the Crossroads of Neuroscience & Immunology: Advances and Innovations | i3S, Porto, Portugal
Members of Organizing Committee: Matthew Holt, Olga Sin, Maria Joana Pinto, Pedro Moura-Alves, Tânia Lima, Palmira Barreira-Silva
International Astrocyte Summer School | Bertinoro, Italy
Matthew Holt (ERA Chair Holder)
i3S Neuro Day: Meeting of i3S Program of Neurobiology and Neurologic Diseases (PNND) | Biblioteca Almeida Garret, Porto, Portugal
Sponsored the participation of Prof. Dr. Pierre Vanderhaegen
04.11.2022 | i3S Neuro Day: Meeting of i3S Program of Neurobiology and Neurologic Diseases (PNND) | Fundação Dr. António Cupertino De Miranda | Porto
Members of Organizing Committee: Matthew Holt, Olga Sin
18.10.2022 | VI Portuguese Glia Meeting | i3S, Porto
Chairs: Matthew Holt and João Relvas
Members of Organizing Committee: Olga Sin, Matthew Holt, João Relvas and Teresa Summavielle
Seminars organization
13.09.2024 | NCBio Seminar series
Nils Brose, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Germany
05.12.2023 | Satellite Seminar
Vanessa Coelho Santos, VCoelho-Santos Lab, Coimbra, Portugal